Friday, December 20, 2013

Countdown to see my beloved ones again ♥

just two more nights sleeping and I will see my family and friends after four month not seeing them. That is the biggest time distance I haven’t seen them.
Don’t understand me wrong, I like my life here and I guess I will miss my host family here in this two weeks, too. But of course I am really happy to see them again because of course I’m not seeing all of my friends every week or something. But still you feel that the possibility isn’t there to see them, if you need them.

So this year Christmas will be something really special and even more Christmas feeling like. And of course after I’ve been to the Christmas market with Daniel, my cousin Mathias and his girlfriend Laura in Aachen. It was really crowded but also really nice – but that’s maybe because it was my first time on a Christmas market this year – and normally I’m going there two to three times A WEEK xD so for me it was awesome and I will go there on Sunday and Monday as much as my hands aren’t  freezing off.
my own little chirstmas tree ♥
But even though I have some Christmas feeling here as my host mom grew up in Germany with Christmas markets and nice decorated Christmas trees. So a few days after Sinterklaas they went to shop for a Christmas tree. He is a little small fat cute tree decorated with lights, super kids save plastic (Disney) balls, some stars and stuff mad of felt and of course we made some craft decoration. Also Neo’s Babybox got some lights and it stands right under the tree so he is fascinated from all the decoration when he lies in it. By the way he grows a lot and can sit now. He really is a little sunshine and he is really ticklish so even when you just pick him up under his arms he will smile and laugh and giggle. Nyra learns new words every day and loves to climb everywhere so most of the stuff here in the house is not save anymore. With Ty and Cyan everything is going good and I hope these two weeks won’t change a lot in my relationship with them.
So this is my last post before I head home and I’m really excited.

Much love, hugs and happiness Xx

Wohoo making some christmas cookies (Plätzchen)

My beloved little Chirstmastree :)

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