Thursday, January 23, 2014

One day as a mommy – Ein Tag als Mutter

Today was a unexpected change on my day. Li became sick during the night and so she had to stay in bed all day. What did that mean for me? No break – normally I have one to two breaks during my day to breakfast and shower or make and eat my lunch and be one my own to recover my batteries for better tolerance to the noise, challenges (when they don’t want to do what you say..well because they are own human beings^^) and controlling my own temper.
So well today actually went better than I thought it would because Cyan had a playdate directly after school so I was together with the three small ones the whole day. Until around 3:30 p.m. everything was totally fine. We played, watched Disney’s “beauty and the beast” (my favorite) and finally we or at least I wanted to go do the groceries because we needed some stuff.
But as usual Ty wasn’t really enthusiastic about this idea. But I really tried to convince him that it will be awesome and super fun – Aaand that we would go to the playground afterwards. With this idea he grabbed his shoes !and mine! and we went off to the supermarket in our neighborhood.
When we finally made it through the too full Albert Heijn with Neo being really uneasy because he doesn’t like it a lot to be in the Buggy, and Nyra always running into the opposite direction Ty decided not to walk with me for whatever reason. So I walked further and acted like going without him but still keeping an eye on him. When we didn’t followed as usual I had no other choice than going back and grabbing him to take him with me. the next meters he resisted to really walk with me on his own. As I was already in a bad shape of not having a real time on my own I started screaming and well then also the groceries fell down, a few eggs broke and I really was on a low point. As you can think we weren’t going to the playground but strait home. As Nyra is pretty slow in Walking that also freaked me out and I came home totally done xD
So it was a pretty crazy day but a huge hug of Li gave me enough strength to keep on going until I can go and relax in my bed. And when I went upstairs Ty came into my room and gave me some handmade Dutch chocolate pralines, which are by the way awesomely delicious. And by giving me it he whispered “I’m really sorry Leonie for being naughty”
I almost cried and forgive him already before are we both said sorry to each other because none of our behavior was good and we promised to try harder and do better in the future.
As conclusion to my day my host mom asked me “And what do you think – do you still want to have kids??” ;)  And well to be honest, yes I totally do because now writing this text I don’t feel bad anymore because they also cuddle so much with me and give mich lots of love every day (e.g. ty always saying “thanks for cooking” or “oh wow the meal you made tastes delicious”). But of course I guess I will start with one kid and that growing by the amount of kids :P

So well that was my day how was yours?

Lots of hugs Xxx, Leo

By posting this on facebook she spoke out my thoughts on this day

Mhh Yummi - they are delicious!!!

My lovely girl grabbing my handbag already coming after me haha ♥

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