Monday, March 10, 2014

Never – NEVER- leave face paint for children on your bed..

Hey guys,
It was yellow glitter...

I’d like to tell you another “funny” story of Nyra…

so let us begin at the very first moment I made a huge mistake… I prepared my stuff for the weekend, where I had some Plans with Sandra. Therefor we needed some colorful face paint where I or better my host mom had awesome equipment for that includes lots of water paint for your face AND glitter.
Well for those of you who don’t know the sign of “there must be something wrong” – When everything is really quiet and you hear nothing of them for like more than three minutes – then something is going on and there up to anything.
Long story short – Nyra came downstairs really quietly and walked over me. First I spotted a black line close to her lips and when she walked over to me I saw that she sparkled all over.. not just her face – EVERYTHING.

...thats why you can't really see it

And of course then it popped into my mind – the bag with all the face paint AND the glitter. Coming upstairs into my room I found my bed glittering like a fairy had an accident with her wishes. 
And still you can see some shimmer on the floor :D that is it with glitter – no vacuum cleaner can handle that stuff haha. I guess when I move out I’ll find some more under my bed. 

That’s it. I hope spring also arrived at your place – where ever you might be on this planet.

Have a nice and sunny day and enjoy the little things.

Love, Leo ♥

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Visit from Annika ♥

Well guys – it has been a while AGAIN :D I’m sorry :P  
(my last post was exactly one month ago)

...but here’s a little update about the last weeks.
First of all I went on vacation with my host family and it was quite nice :) We went to the province Limburg in the south of the Netherlands. It was kind of a center park with indoor playground and swimming pool –jippy!
When we came back I was really excited about Annika visiting me. She came here by car and arrived exactly when we had dinner so she got a good impression about my family with all the kids. She still stayed afterwards :P in the evening we just talked and enjoyed the time together but we also needed some sleep because we had lots of plans for the following days.
So on Saturday we headed to Amsterdam where we arrived with approximately with thousand other tourists who wanted to explore the city. When we arrived the sky turned grey and it started to rain but after an hour the clouds fade away and sun came out for the whole day!!
Good for us because we could take a lot of pictures. So the first station was the I Amsterdam sign in front of the Rijksmuseum which was pretty crowded but we got some okay pic thoug.
Furthermore we walked around a lot while trying to find the Anne Frank Museum. Well in the end we found it but thanks to me we first walked into the wrong direction.
There we had to wait for around half an hour which is pretty short as I know from a coffee shop around the corner where I got some warm chocolate and a big cookie to shorten the waiting time. 
Inside the museum it was pretty impressive especially for me as I made a presentation about Anne Frank in school, saw different versions of the movie and of course read the book. 
I can recommend it to go there when you’re interested but maybe go in winter otherwise you’ll wait really long.

The next day we went to Rotterdam where Sandra (Danish au pair and good friend of mine) joined us. First station was the Pancake boot – YES we have a pancake boot where you go on a ride ba boat and you can eat pancakes as much as you want or better can. Well but as you’re stuffed pretty fast we couldn’t use it that much. Don’t eat breakfast though not as we did haha. 

As the boat starts and ends at the Euromast which is really nice to visit to get a very cool view over the city. 

As you can see on the pics they have some open scary open stairs to go a little further. Well what can I say? A MUST DO when you’re here in Rotterdam.


Next station was the New York Hotel Rotterdam. How we got there? By Water taxi – which equals lots of fun and arrival in as little time as possible. It was the idea of my hostdad which grew up here and I also have to say it’s really a lot of fun – even more in summer.
There we could take some great pictures and had some fresh mint tea.

Next step was the Fotomuseum which wasn’t that special but what followed were the cubes houses. There we went into one and saw that it looks cool from the outside but is really unpractical from the inside and you can’t really use the space properly.

After that we weren’t finished at all because our next must see was the only still existent older part of Rotterdam: Delftshaven. It was really idyllic with these old crooked houses which are really cute and a windmill at the end of the harbor.


On Monday we also had some time in the morning and as Annika was here by car we were visiting the “Kinderdijk” which is the place with the most windmills per square meters. It’s really a typical place to visit when you’re in the Netherlands.


Well on Tuesday our time came to an end again :( It was really awesome to have you here Annika and I really enjoyed the time with you!!

With lots of love ♥

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Utrecht – Ik houd van jou

Three weeks ago Sandra and I went to Utrecht – my new favorite city in the Netherlands. With his charm, old houses and nice little shops with all the stuff you DON’T need but which are lovely and totally awesome.
But to begin with Saturday of that weekend we planned about a month ago that we want to go to a fish spa where we got a very good and cheap offer. SO we met at the metro station and walked to the spa both wearing skirts because as we young girls all wear skinny jeans you can’t roll them up to you knee anymore xD
At the spa the first feeling of the fishes was really strange because you feel them some kinda “eating” the died skin and stuff from your feet. After about 20 minutes we also got our feet creamed  with lotion and a little massage. Our feet felt better than before and it was a nice experience and I would definitely do it again.

After a wonderful girls night with a little more serious movie (Komt een vrouw bij een dokter) and some snacks we went to Utrecht on Sunday.
As it is really common to buy “Dagkaatjes” (Day tickets for the Dutch Train System)which you can by at different stores. They cost between 14 and 17€ and are valid for one day all around the Dutch train system (NS). As I have a weekend free ticket, I don’t need it but Sandra had one and we planned to go to Utrecht. It is around 40 minutes from Rotterdam so the time in the train passed by fast.
When we got there we easily found ourselves in the center as the central station is totally in the middle of it. There we searched for the “Dom torren” which we found easily. But as you can just go up there with a tourist tour and we were about 10 minutes late we decided to just come back soon. Then we discovered some nice shops and as there was sale we couldn’t stand it to not buy stuff xD

Then we searched for a “Eetcafe” to have lunch and we found one where the food was awesome, delicious and it was a lot :P
With full stomachs we headed back to the central station where we found a cute traffic light – The lights were bunnys (red->hanging ears; green-> ears up) and the zebra crossing was in the colors of the rainbow :)
Pretty tired but happy we went back by train chatting about the nice weather and the beautiful city.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Awesome stuff

Hey there :)

I just found something really nice on facebook. Sadly it's a little too late - but better late then never :)


Thursday, January 23, 2014

One day as a mommy – Ein Tag als Mutter

Today was a unexpected change on my day. Li became sick during the night and so she had to stay in bed all day. What did that mean for me? No break – normally I have one to two breaks during my day to breakfast and shower or make and eat my lunch and be one my own to recover my batteries for better tolerance to the noise, challenges (when they don’t want to do what you say..well because they are own human beings^^) and controlling my own temper.
So well today actually went better than I thought it would because Cyan had a playdate directly after school so I was together with the three small ones the whole day. Until around 3:30 p.m. everything was totally fine. We played, watched Disney’s “beauty and the beast” (my favorite) and finally we or at least I wanted to go do the groceries because we needed some stuff.
But as usual Ty wasn’t really enthusiastic about this idea. But I really tried to convince him that it will be awesome and super fun – Aaand that we would go to the playground afterwards. With this idea he grabbed his shoes !and mine! and we went off to the supermarket in our neighborhood.
When we finally made it through the too full Albert Heijn with Neo being really uneasy because he doesn’t like it a lot to be in the Buggy, and Nyra always running into the opposite direction Ty decided not to walk with me for whatever reason. So I walked further and acted like going without him but still keeping an eye on him. When we didn’t followed as usual I had no other choice than going back and grabbing him to take him with me. the next meters he resisted to really walk with me on his own. As I was already in a bad shape of not having a real time on my own I started screaming and well then also the groceries fell down, a few eggs broke and I really was on a low point. As you can think we weren’t going to the playground but strait home. As Nyra is pretty slow in Walking that also freaked me out and I came home totally done xD
So it was a pretty crazy day but a huge hug of Li gave me enough strength to keep on going until I can go and relax in my bed. And when I went upstairs Ty came into my room and gave me some handmade Dutch chocolate pralines, which are by the way awesomely delicious. And by giving me it he whispered “I’m really sorry Leonie for being naughty”
I almost cried and forgive him already before are we both said sorry to each other because none of our behavior was good and we promised to try harder and do better in the future.
As conclusion to my day my host mom asked me “And what do you think – do you still want to have kids??” ;)  And well to be honest, yes I totally do because now writing this text I don’t feel bad anymore because they also cuddle so much with me and give mich lots of love every day (e.g. ty always saying “thanks for cooking” or “oh wow the meal you made tastes delicious”). But of course I guess I will start with one kid and that growing by the amount of kids :P

So well that was my day how was yours?

Lots of hugs Xxx, Leo

By posting this on facebook she spoke out my thoughts on this day

Mhh Yummi - they are delicious!!!

My lovely girl grabbing my handbag already coming after me haha ♥